Our places in Germany

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Camping Alkmaar

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Motorhome port Göttingen

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GlampingPark Schloss Thurn


Motorhome pitches at the Philipp Soldan Forum

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Interpals Eco Resort

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Camping Erlach

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Camping Bad Ragaz

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Camping Alpenblick

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Island camping Werder

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Camping ground Böhmeschlucht


Travel tips for the summer

It’s time to go exploring again!
To help you plan your next adventure and to inspire you, we have selected three fascinating vacation regions that you can explore with your motorhome.

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Caravan Salon Düsseldorf 2024

The Caravan Salon Düsseldorf is practically just around the corner and we have some exciting new products for you, especially in the digital area.
Look forward to new route and tour suggestions and the introduction of a completely new, rewarding travel destination – let us surprise you!

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The Netherlands around the IJsselmeer

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Exploring Alpine Slovenia - Part 1

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Exploring Alpine Slovenia - Part 2

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Experience the Karst and Mediterranean Slovenia

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Experience Ljubljana and central Slovenia

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Thermal and Pannonian Slovenia

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Discover Portugal's diversity

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Along the west coast of Portugal

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From riverbanks to France's Alpine peaks

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Motorhome adventure in western France

Motorhome parking spaces & campsites from Germany
and 11 European nations

mein PLATZ offers you a quick, accurate and convenient search for your desired place with a direct link to the booking system for the place of your choice.
All caravan sites , Campsites and RV sites meet the highest quality standards and score with personal service.

Detailed description of the place, routes and tour trips as well as information about the topics Motorhome – and camping tourism ,Motorhome parking spaces , Campsites , RV sites , Caravanning , camping & More await you with us.

Our selective, exclusive range of national and international RV parking spaces and Campsites including a quality guarantee with convincing service awaits you.
We think: “The added value makes the difference”.
Vacation -, travel -, Tours -, Routes -, space planning and booking from a single source, that is mein PLATZ
Our campsite – and Parking space directory currently comprises almost 400 places in Germany and in 11 other nations.
my place , the informative, authentic, active platform for everyone RV owners , camper and Caravanners .

Our premium partners

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