
Heslach waterfalls

The Heslach Waterfalls are located in the Heidenklinge, a steeply incised wooded valley in the Stuttgart district of Heslach.
When Duke Christoph had the water pipe from Kaltental to the castle and the pleasure garden significantly extended in 1564 and the Nesenbach was consequently only a trickle in summer, the protests became louder and louder and the duke ordered an investigation to improve the supply of the city and the Nesenbach with water. The experts' recommendations were then implemented from 1566 to 1575. First, in 1566, a spring of the Upper Glems was intercepted in the swampy Pfaffenwald, diverted and dammed to form the artificial Pfaffensee. Subsequently, an 805 m long underground gallery, the Herzog-Christoph-Stollen, was built to the Heidenklinge and the water of the Pfaffensee was diverted through it. The construction work for the gallery continued with interruptions until 1575. The Heidenklinge is an ancient cut in the terrain and leads down into the Nesenbach Valley. It was therefore possible to let the water run down through the valley into the Nesenbach stream, following the natural force of gravity, without any special structures. Due to the steep slope in the valley, waterfalls formed in some places. Since the water of the Pfaffensee was no longer sufficient after a few years, other springs in the Glemswald were diverted, other lakes were created and connected with the Pfaffensee. In 1618, Duke Johann Friedrich also had Lake Bärensee dammed up, in 1812 Lake Steinbach and Lake Katzenbach were created and in 1833 Lake Neue See. In the 19th century, the waterfalls (as well as the adjacent Bürgerwald, the Red Deer Park and the Hasenberg), were a popular destination for excursions.
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